FMD Flor Essence Liquid, 500ml

FMD Flor Essence Liquid, 500ml
Brand: FMD
19.99 GBP
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Savant FMD Flor Essence Liquid: A naturally powerful detox with an invaluable source of antioxidants and phytonutrients. The liver and kidneys help to detoxify the body from unwanted toxins, poisons and harmful waste, however due to the excessive stresses of our modern lives, these organs often need assistance. Flor-Essence is a traditional formula of eight herbs, which work synergistically to cleanse and strengthen the whole body whilst you sleep. Experience the Unique Synergistic Effect for yourself It is blended from eight, premium quality herbs carefully harvested by suppliers with whom Flora has worked with for many years. The manufacturing process, from the blending of the herbs through the packaging of dry Flor-Essence to the brewing and bottling of liquid Flor-Essence takes place in a GMP certified environment.Ingredients: Purified water Burdock root Sheep Sorrel Herb Slippery Elm Bark Watercress herb Turkish Rhubarb Root Kelp Blessed Thistle Herb Red Clover Blossom Natural Source Citric Acid Directions: Dilute 30-60ml once or twice daily with an equal or double amount of unflouridated, purified hot water and sip slowly. Children over 2 years use 30ml once or twice daily. Drink on an empty stomach, 1/2 an hour before any meal or at bedtime. Benefits: Provides with an invaluable source of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Contains no pesticides, insecticides or herbicides and they are not irradiated. It is a naturally quick and easy detox allowing the body to cleanse during sleeping hours. It is available as a ready to use tea blend or dry herbal bags. It is a traditional formula used for hundreds of years by the native American Ojibwa Indians and known as the holy drink which brings the body back into balance with the great spirit. suitable for long-term use for health maintenance. Contains no caffeine, preservatives or artificial colours.